New Victoria Hospital has been appointed by NHS England and the GNDRSS as an official UK healthcare facility to provide surgical gender affirmation procedures for patients who are on a female to male transitioning pathway.

A condition characterised by strong and persistent cross-gender identification and a continued discomfort with one’s own sex, Gender Dysphoria can cause an individual to experience feelings of distress as they feel trapped inside a body that does not match their gender identity. Gender Dysphoria treatments are therefore aimed at reducing or removing these upsetting feelings of a mismatch between biological sex and gender identity.

While treatments vary from person to person, for some, surgical interventions of the chest and genitals are undertaken to change their body permanently. At New Victoria Hospital we offer such surgical procedures for individuals in the final stage of their Female To Male (FTM) pathway.

What is Gender Dysphoria?

Gender Dysphoria is a recognised medical condition where an individual feels uncomfortable and distressed as they feel that their is a discord between the biological sex they were assigned at birth and their gender identity. It is also known as gender identity disorder (GID), gender incongruence or transgenderism. Individuals experiencing such thoughts often report feeling trapped in a body that doesn’t reflect who they really are, leading to anxiety and depression.

Even though it varies from person to person, the first signs of Gender Dysphoria often appear during childhood e.g wanting to wear clothes typically associated with the opposite biological sex. Such feelings are not uncommon for children as they grow up, and for some, they pass in time. However, for those suffering from Gender Dysphoria, such thoughts persist into adulthood, even if some individuals choose to live as their anatomical sex to conform with societal norms.

Individuals experiencing gender dysphoria often feel most comfortable when in the gender role of their preferred gender identity. Typically this involves a strong desire to hide any physical signs of their biological sex, such as breasts, and a strong dislike of the genitals of their biological sex.

Gender Dysphoria Service Team

As an official healthcare facility for gender affirmation surgery, at New Victoria Hospital we provide a number of masculinising gender affirmation surgery treatments. Featuring world-renowned surgeons who are highly-experienced in administering surgical gender affirmation procedures, our multidisciplinary Gender Dysphoria service team helps individuals in the final stage of the Female To Male (FTM) transitioning pathway.


How to be Referred for Surgical Treatment

As gender-affirming surgery is the final stage in the female to male transitioning pathway, to be eligible an individual must have first undergone the NHS or private Gender Dysphoria assessment process through the NHS or private Gender Identity Clinic (GIC). If, after exploring the available options, they feel that surgery is the way forward for them, they would then be provided with a referral letter from the NHS or private clinic.

New Victoria Hospital is able to accept referrals from the NHS or privately.

While you cannot book an appointment with one of our Gender Dysphoria specialists unless you have a referral letter, our Gender Dysphoria Service team can still answer some of the questions you might have if you are looking to complete a female to male transition.

To contact the New Victoria Hospital Gender Dysphoria Service team, please call our main reception and switchboard on 020 8949 9000.

New Victoria Hospital Nighttime

What to Expect During Your Visit at New Victoria Hospital

After you have been referred by the Gender Identity Clinic (GIC) to New Victoria Hospital, our Gender Dysphoria Service team will contact you to arrange an appointment with one of the specialist Surgeons that are part of our Gender Clinic.

When you arrive at our Hospital you will be greeted by a member of our friendly Gender Dysphoria team. As they have vast experience working with individuals suffering with Gender Dysphoria, they will understand the concerns you may have and will put you at ease before you meet your Consultant. 

During your appointment the Consultant will discuss your case and re-assess your physical, psychological and social readiness for the surgical pathway. In addition, you will be provided with a detailed explanation of the appropriate surgical techniques and expected outcomes. Your surgeon will also present you with a consent form and written information about the procedure, including links to online resources that you will then be able to review in your own time.

Taking the decision to proceed with gender reaffirment surgery requires careful consideration. If you have any worries or doubts you will be encouraged to come back for a second consultation at a later date. If, however, you feel as though you want to proceed, the Consultant will then book you in for surgery.


If you feel that you have Gender Dysphoria, it is important that you first get in touch with your GP who can then refer you to a specialist Gender Identity Clinic (GIC). Information about the support you can receive for Gender Dysphoria can be found on the NHS website.

While you cannot book an appointment with one of our Gender Dysphoria specialists unless you have a referral letter from the NHS or your private insurer, our Gender Dysphoria Service team can still answer some of the questions you may have if you are looking to complete a female to male transition. Please call the New Victoria Hospital on 020 8949 9000.

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