Bowel SurgeryBowel surgery is a procedure to remove part of your lower intestine, colon or back passage, rectum.You might need colorectal surgery if you suffer from:Bowel CancerChron's DiseaseDiverticular DiseaseUlcerative ColitisConsultants and Clinic TimesMr Ian BloomMD FRCSSpecialitiesGeneral SurgeryProfile and clinic timesMr Adrian FawcettMBBS MS FRCSSpecialitiesGeneral SurgeryProfile and clinic timesMr Michael JarrettMA, DM, FRCSSpecialitiesGeneral SurgeryProfile and clinic timesMr Pasha NisarMA MBBCHIR DM FRCS(GenSurg)SpecialitiesGeneral SurgeryProfile and clinic timesRelated TreatmentsColorectal SurgeryAnal Fistula SurgeryHaemorrhoid SurgerySphincterectomyBowel CancerClosure of Loop Colostomy