Our Cardiac Service is Consultant-led and supported by a multidisciplinary team of specialised Cardiac Physiologists and Cardiac Radiographers. They provide rapid diagnosis and comprehensive investigations for cardiology-related health issues including:
- Cardiac Screening package
- Adult Transthoracic Echocardiograms
- Stress Echocardiogram
- 12 lead resting ECG with interpretation
- 24 hour ECG recorders
- 48 hour ECG recorders
- 7-14 day continuous ECG monitoring
- 24-hour blood pressure monitors
- Exercise Treadmill Tests
- CT Calcium Scoring
- CT Coronary Angiogram (non-invasive)
- Cardiac MRI (functional)
If you would like to receive more information on our specialist private Cardiac Diagnostic Service at New Victoria Hospital, please call us on 020 8949 9030 or:
Consultants and Clinic Times
Professor Rajan Sharma
CardiologyDr Manav Sohal
BSc (Hons), MBBS, MRCP, PhD, EHRA Certified Electrophysiology Specialist